Misinformation and folklore on the internet is a major issue within the reptile hobby. What information should you believe? Who should you trust? Mariah Healey is solving this problem with, ReptiFiles. ReptiFiles is a blog designed to promote proper reptile husbandry. Mariah has gone to extraordinary lengths in order to write and publish extremely thoroughly and informative care guides for reptiles commonly kept in the hobby.
Her care guides are several pages long and include information sourced from experienced experts, academics and veterinary journals. ReptiFiles is growing into a well-respected authority website, something that the reptile hobby is in desperate need of.
CHECK OUT Custom Reptile Habitats HERE
iNaturalist: https://www.inaturalist.org/
Arcadia Reptile: https://www.arcadiareptile.com/books/
Helen Kairo: https://www.instagram.com/anatomika.science/
Melissa Kaplan: http://www.anapsid.org/
CustomReptileHabitats: https://customreptilehabitats.com/
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