This episode we are chatting with Renata Carlseen of Reptile Function. Renata specializes in Cyculra (Rock Iguanas) and Delicatissima(Lesser Antillean Iguana). Iguana delicatissima, in particular, is an endangered species with very low numbers in both the wild and captivity. Renata happens to be one of the only people in North America successfully breeding these animals. Successful captive breeding could be the key to keeping these animals on our planet.

Delicatissmia are a very unique arboreal species of iguana that are currently being threatened by many factors in the wild including hybridizing with their Green Iguana cousins, human activity and habitat loss.
Renata is a trailblazer in the hobby. She sacrifices her own time and money in order to bring this relativity unknown species into the spotlight. She is exactly the type of individual the hobby should use as a role model.
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